Why I Moved My Membership from Kajabi to Searchie

In 2020, Searchie turned my head around (read more about why here). I started using this remarkable platform for my own business and I started eyeing it for my membership site. My website was on Kajabi and I was eyeing it for my upcoming membership. It was kind of like this:

Why I moved my membership from Kajabi to Searchie.jpg

I wasn’t unhappy with Kajabi. But Searchie has a few benefits for membership that were right for me.

Searchie Has Low Costs for Startup

When I was just starting out, Searchie was a more affordable way to run my membership. I began with the Basic Searchie Plan, free ConvertKit, and Squarespace. The total cost to get going was less than the cost of Kajabi. Here’s the breakdown on that:






Email: ConvertKit



Website: Squarespace



Total Cost:



I call all of this the Cost of Trying: Startup costs can be a real obstacle for some businesses, making it scarier to try new offerings and ventures. If you have less to lose, it’s easier to be creative. Sometimes you’re not sure what offer will hit the sweet spot with your audience. Or perhaps there’s an offering you’re running that you want to replace with something new—research has shown that we’re more likely to hold onto something that isn’t a good fit if we’ve sunk a lot of money into it. 

I also knew that these other platforms that integrate with Searchie would do just as good a job, if not better, in helping me achieve my goals. 

Searchie Offers an Amazing User Experience

When users get into Searchie they are wowed by the platform. The developers at Searchie keep things very clean, streamlined and simple, making it easy for users to navigate and, more importantly, to consume content. After all, that’s the primary goal, right? 

Searchie also gives me the ability to personalize my membership area quite a bit. I can see how my members are responding to the material. I can adjust it easily and quickly to make the most out of each time they are in the membership area. For example, if they are really eating up certain things, I can give them more of that type of content. If they aren’t responding to others, I can remove it altogether, or give them less of that. Or, ask them why it’s not resonating with them or how I can change it up. 

The entire Searchie platform is very user-driven. 

Searchie is Easy to Use

I have a lot of web design experience. Searchie is by far the easiest, fastest way to set up a course, landing page, or membership. And Searchie’s features like tagging, playlists, widgets, chapter tagging, and searchable transcripts make it easy to continue to work with what you’ve developed: You can easily find, manipulate, and repurpose your content. It makes it super easy to do A/B testing. 

This ties into my Cost of Trying: The more effort it takes to try something new—or the more effort you had to put into creating your original project—the greater the “cost” of being playful, dynamic, and creative with your business.

The Searchie Team Listens to Us

The folks who run Searchie are still in the product development mode. They provide incredible training and support, and they are always listening to users for what needs to be added or changed. Working with Searchie’s team helps me feel like I’m valued and that my needs are at the forefront.

I get great support from Searchie on technical and product questions. The response is fast and addresses the issue. The platform they use for future product improvements, Canny, is awesome. The team is great about asking for our feedback about ways we’d like to use Searchie in the future and updating us on the progress of planned improvements.

With Kajabi, I am one customer out of many.

I’m Glad I Moved my Membership to Searchie

I’m certainly not here to ding Kajabi. I love helping people develop on Kajabi. It’s a good product that works for many businesses. But I have no regrets about moving my membership over to Searchie—more than that, I’m patting myself on the back for making that smart move.

By the way, here’s a snapshot of my membership Hub. I’ve just opened it to a few peope. . .it’s not officially launched to the public yet. I’ve kept it super simple and easy for my members.


Are you paying a high Cost of Trying with your membership platform? I can help you make the move to Searchie. You’ll be a raving convert like me! Let’s talk about how Searchie can meet your needs.

Michelle Sandler Shell Creative Marketing Strategy and Web Design Searchie Expert 1500x1000.png

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This is really all you need to get started! Personalize your Searchie Hub with a few easy clicks. These clean, fresh, professionally designed Canva templates work right in Searchie. All you need to do is add your own images.


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