How Searchie and Kajabi Can Work Together

Have you invested so much time, money, and effort into Kajabi courses that it makes no sense to migrate them to a new platform—yet you want to make use of Searchie’s capabilities to amplify user experience? The great news is that you can easily use Searchie to augment your Kajabi courses. Here’s how.

Harness the Power of the Searchie Widget

The easiest—and most powerful—thing to do is to install the Searchie widget into your Kajabi courses, creating a search capability. Just like that, your course got more user-friendly! Every single piece of video content you put into your Kajabi course is now searchable by keyword. Place a button inside your Kajabi product or in the announcement bar so it’s super easy for all your users to find and use this amazing technology.

Take it up a Notch by Embedding Searchie Videos

If you embed Searchie videos into Kajabi, you are really “Searchie’izing” your Kajabi course. With each video lesson, you now give your clients the ability to (if you choose to make these options):

  • do a search by keyword within the video

  • watch the video with captions

  • fastforward and rewind

  • increase the speed of play

  • download the transcripts

  • download the audio

  • download the video

  • play picture in picture 

  • show the progress of the video/time viewed vs time remaining

Embed a Playlist

You can also embed a playlist of the course section to make it easy for your users to binge on your material. If you have 5 modules, for example, you could make a playlist for each module so they could binge at the beginning or end instead of having to go through the Kajabi portal one-by-one.

So Kajabi Should be the Main Platform for Everything?

Not so fast. If you’re pleased with presenting your courses in Kajabi, then there’s no need to migrate them away. But keep Searchie in mind for hosting your non-course content. For example, when it comes to coaching calls (whether group or one-on-one), Searchie is a better platform. Hosting a live Q&A session or informational Facebook live? Searchie can allow these videos to automatically upload to your Hub.

Searchie gives you control over your content that Kajabi doesn’t, such as segmenting your audience and tags for content. This allows you to mix, match, slice and dice your content so your users get a personalized experience that’s tailored to their needs. You can’t do that with Kajabi.

You can create a Hub for each client, or create a playlist for each client inside one Hub. You can easily link to this/these Hubs from your Kajabi account to make it easy for your clients to access. They will have to login to Searchie so it won’t be seamless—but for additional features, you may find it’s worth it. 

If you do decide to go this route, one thing to consider is automation between Kajabi and Searchie to set up these users inside Searchie. You’ll do this with Zapier. Create a “zap” to have Kajabi tell Searchie when a new client is added to Kajabi—and that new client should now be given access to the Hub (given a tag if you like) and sent an email notification (if you like).

If you prefer this material inside Kajabi, it’s also easy to put this material into playlists and deliver it inside Kajabi by embedding the playlist into your course.

Searchie and Kajabi Play Well Together

While I’m whole-hog into Searchie for delivering and organizing content, I can understand why established Kajabi users may not want to migrate the courses they’ve created in Kajabi that are working just fine. But I suggest aiming higher than “just fine” and adding Searchie to the mix to make the courses the most useful, accessible, and user-friendly they can be! Be sure to check out this case study of an entrepreneur who augments her Kajabi offerings with Searchie.

If you’re mired in confusion about whether to create a course in Kajabi or Searchie—or how to integrate the two, let’s talk. I help clients navigate this all the time! 

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Get Your Searchie Hub Up!

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